Gastro-Oesophageal reflux is seen as a vata and pitta imbalance in Ayurveda. The main treatment for it is to encourage forward peristaltic movement in the gut and reduce the acid levels. Here is how we would help the condition using ayurvedic medicine.
- Avoid any that increase heat, for example, red meat, spicy and oily foods.
- Avoid too much chili, mustard, vinegar, and pepper.
- Aloe vera juice is helpful for reflux ailments. Take 4 tbsp of aloe vera juice prior to each meal.
- Regular intake of diluted buttermilk with cumin powder is beneficial.
- Powdered fenugreek seeds mixed with warm water may also help.
- Throughout the day, regularly drink tea made with fennel seeds.
- Avoid food combinations like dairy and fruit, or meat and dairy, as they may produce more acid and cause discomfort.
- It is essential to ensure good movement of food in the gut so that there is no reflux. Triphala is a brilliant herb to assist with this.
- Turmeric is also known for its anti-reflux and anti-acid properties. It can remove inflammation from the stomach lining.
- People suffering from acid reflux may also suffer from constipation. Gentle purgation with castor oil will help to get things moving. This is best done under the guidance of an Ayurvedic consultant.
- Add half a teaspoon of ground cardamom to 250ml of water and boil it. Sip this water during the day to reduce this.
- Avoid inverted positions like shoulder stands or headstands.
- Regularly practice moon salutations.
- Positions like the hard spinal twists, cow pose, and hero pose are particularly beneficial for reflux.
- Practise left nostril breathing, cooling breath exercise and alternate nostril breathing daily.
- Regular Ayurvedic foot massages will help to reduce heat in the body and therefore decrease acidity.
- Whole body abhyanga will help to reduce stress and therefore lessen the over-production of acid.
- Shirodhara is also very good to reduce heat-related stress and so helps to improve symptoms of reflux.
- Avoid sleeping on your stomach
- Do not eat a heavy meal near to bedtime.
- Aim to take a 10-minute walk after each meal.