One of the most common types of cancer that mostly affects women is cervical cancer or cervix cancer. Unlike most other cancer types cervix cancer is caused due to a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus mainly spreads through sexual intercourse. People with good immunity will not be affected by this virus. However, it easily attacks a person who has a weak immune system and starts to multiply in the cervix region and damages the cells present which leads to cancer.
- Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
- Excessive bleeding combined with pain during menstruation period.
- Bleeding in the form of lumps during periods.
- The frequent occurrence of stomach pain.
- Excessive pain during sexual intercourse.
- Bleeding during sexual intercourse.
- Sudden bleeding in-between menstrual cycle.
- Whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge is a strong symptom of advanced cervical cancer.
- Loss of appetite.
- Weight loss
- If you notice three or more of these symptoms then do consult your doctor immediately.
What are tests
All the married women should undergo pap smear test once in two years. This test can be carried out 14 days after the completion of a period. This test very inexpensive and painless as well. Additionally VIA, VILI and many other tests are available to identify cancer.
Can it be prevented?
There are two vaccines namely quadrivalent and bivalent are available to fight against HPV virus.
How should these vaccines be taken?
According to world health organization, the first installment of this vaccine can be given to girls who are over 10 years old. In case of the quadrivalent vaccine, the second installment should be taken two months after the first vaccine and the third installment should be taken after six months from the first vaccine.
In case of the bivalent vaccine, the second installment of the vaccine should be taken after one month and the third installment should be taken after six months of the first vaccine.
If for any reason, the vaccine is not taken at the age of 10, it can be taken at any point in time between 10 and 45 years. But, it cannot be claimed to be 100 percent safe.
Additional Benefits
Taking this vaccine will prevent HPV infection and cancer due to it in cervix and anus regions.
Who should avoid this vaccine?
- Pregnant women
- People who are allergic.
- Breastfeeding women can take this vaccine but should be done with Doctor’s advice.
Who is more vulnerable?
- Women who have sexual relationships at a very young age (15 years or younger).
- Women who maintain sexual relationships with multiple individuals.
- It can be transmitted through a male to a female who has sexual relationships with more women.
- Women who have gonorrhea, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases.
- Women who are between the age group of 15 to 45 years.
- Women who do not properly maintain their personal hygiene.
- Women who use unhygienic and low-quality napkins during periods.
- Women with smoking habits.
Even men can take the HPV vaccines
World Health Organization has now approved the use of HPV vaccines in men. Many research has identified that men taking these vaccines can effectively avoid HPV infections in mouth, throat, and anus regions. Additionally, it also prevents cancer that results from this virus.