Essential oils are made from various herbs or fruits. Many of these herbs and fruits which are commonly found serve as a good source of beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other medicinal properties. They are more commonly used than spices which have a very strong flavor.
Essential oils can be used in massages, compresses, and even aromatherapy. They have a history of their own – for thousands of years, people from all around the world have been using essential oils for medicinal purposes and other needs.
We show you several essential oils that are undoubtedly the best and most popular ones.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense oil (also known as olibanum) is a special type of essential oil that is vastly used in aromatherapy. It has a lot of great health benefits, including fighting certain types of cancer.
A research was done at the University of Leicester, where scientists discovered that frankincense is a cancer-killing plant which possesses a special compound known as AKBA, or acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid. It was tested on several patients who suffered from ovarian cancer, and the frankincense was found to have an amazing cancer cell targeting ability. Other than ovarian cancer, this powerful plant is also said to be able to treat certain types of brain, breast, and stomach cancers
Commonly used in bath soaks and as a house cleaning product, the frankincense oil is a good deodorizer too. The oil is also good for cleansing the skin and making you look younger. Frankincense essential oil is popular because there are almost no known harmful side-effects of using it (of course when used in decent amounts).
Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon is a common fruit known to everyone because of its variety of uses in food as well as around the house. When it comes to essential oil made from lemon, research shows that inhaling lemon’s scent can promote weight loss, which is certainly another great benefit of this sour bitter fruit!
Lemon essential oil simply belongs in your bathroom – it’s great for whitening your teeth, remove grease from your hands, deodorizing your laundry, and it even serves as an amazing face wash!
Lemongrass Essential Oil
More commonly found in Asia, lemongrass is a plant which can grow up to 6 feet tall. In India, it’s mostly used for medicinal purposes, while in other parts of Asia, people use it to brew tea.
The essential oil made out of lemongrass is an outstanding source of several vitamins, including Vitamin A, B1, B2, and Vitamin C. With decent amounts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and zinc, this essential oil is good for relieving headaches and stomach aches, and it makes for a pretty good and safe air freshener.
Lemongrass oil is also perfect for those suffering from hair loss or an irritated scalp. To see how it does magic to your head, simply massage several drops of this oil into your scalp and rinse after a few minutes.
Peppermint Oil
Giving your body a cooling sensation after a massage, relieving your sore muscles after a good workout, freshening your breath, relieving headaches… these are just some of the top uses of this plant and its oil extract.
The benefits of peppermint have long been known to man, and the first known use of this plant actually dates all the way back to ancient Egypt!
Some side-effects of peppermint oil include heartburn and mouth sores, both of which may occur when you ingest the oil in large quantity so as a precaution, do not overdo on the dosage.
Lavender Oil
Lavender is by far the most used and most common essential oil in the world. Ancient Egyptians and Romans have been known to use it for their medicinal and religious needs.
Today, people use lavender oil for wound healing, overall sleep improving and to reduce stress. Lavender essential oil is also said to be able to treat diabetes by protecting the human body from metabolic disorders, weight gain, and liver dysfunction.
Lavender also smells good, which makes for an amazing air freshener in your home, office or car!
Oregano Oil
Oregano itself is part of the mint family. Dozens of studies were conducted just to see how powerful carvacrol (the best healing compound of oregano oil) is. After years of research, it has been found that carvacrol can reduce the effects of fungal infections, parasites, inflammations, allergies, bacteria and more!
Unlike drugs purchased from a local pharmacy which may expose one to many side-effects, oregano oil is a natural antibiotic. You may want to try out its antibodies properties in small quantities, though it is always a good idea to consult your doctor before ingesting it.
Rosemary Oil
With an evergreen scent, rosemary is yet another member of the mint family. The herb itself is very powerful, and the same goes for its essential oil.
Rosemary essential oil can help to improve your memory and relieve muscle aches. Rosemary oil is also good for hair growth if you are suffering from hair loss or hair thinning.
Eucalyptus Oil
Native to Australia, eucalyptus is a main food source of koalas. The essential oil created from eucalyptus is good for medicinal purposes as it can be used to cure colds, treat sinusitis, help those struggling with asthma and bronchitis, and also to treat wounds! Eucalyptus oil is virtually a must-have in your medicine cabinet!