1 Avoid heat treatments
- Heat treatments will weaken your hair proteins and make it brittle and fragile.
- This includes the use of hair dryers, hot irons, hot curlers, hot brushes and hair straighteners.
- These gadgets can sometimes burn your scalp and this can lead to permanent damage to hair follicles.
2 Avoid perming
- Perming refers to chemically straightening or curling your hair for styling reasons.
- Both of these treatments will damage your hair in the long run.
- These treatments making your hair dull, dry, and brittle, which will lead to hair loss.
- Perming treatment basically works by breaking down your natural hair bonds and reforming it in a different way to straighten or curl your hair.
3 Minimize dyes and chemicals
- Regular or frequent use of hair colors can severely damage your hair in the long run.
- If you do color your hair, give at least 4 to 6 weeks break between each session.
- If you do not mind the gray, then it is more friendly to your hair than coloring it using chemicals.
4 Avoid bleaching
- Bleaching is a process through which you allow chemicals to penetrate your hair cuticles.
- These chemicals will alter the structure of your hair and make it more prone to damage.
- This will make your hair weaker and can lead to hair breakage and hair loss.
5 Don’t pull your hair tight
- Some hairstyles demand tight pulling and elastics or clips which puts too much stress on the hair roots.
- Tight ponytails, cornrows, tight braids, etc.. can lead to hair loss when done regularly.
- Hair loss due to these reasons is completely preventable by avoiding these hairstyles.
6 Mild Shampoos
- Washing your hair with shampoo helps to keep your hair and scalp clean, which combats hair loss.
- But never shampoo your hair every single day. This can strip your hair of its natural oils make it dry.
- Try to wash your hair every other day instead and make use of a mild shampoo.
7 Choose the right shampoo for your hair type
- Getting the right shampoo for your hair type will go a long way in keeping your hair and scalp healthy.
- Try to experiment with different options you got and find out makes your hair feel better.
- If you have dandruff or colored hair, then use shampoos specifically manufactured for it.
- Protein enhanced shampoos and conditioners boost hair volume by filling in the gaps on the hair shaft, they don’t repair damaged hair.
8 Look for these ingredients while purchasing a shampoo
- Avoid shampoos that contain sulfate, parabens, and sulfonate.
- Lookout for the ones that contain, Isethionate or Glucoside and water.
- Chemicals used in mild shampoos include sulfosuccinates, sultans, amphoacetate, silicones, guar, and polyquaterniums.
9 Get a good hairbrush
- The way you brush your hair can influence your hair condition and hair health.
- Opt for a brush made from natural fibers, and always brush from underside out and not top down.
- Avoid brushing your hair while its wet, use a comb instead. Be gentle while brushing, don’t pull too hard.
10 Try Scalp massage
- A scalp massage with a nourishing oil will increase blood circulation to scalp and hair follicles.
- Increase in blood circulation means more nutrient supply to hair follicles and increased hair growth.
- Apart from strengthening your hair, a scalp massage will relax your mind and free your stress.
11 Consume a lot of iron-rich foods
- Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and it potentially increases your chances of hair loss.
- Ensure you include iron-rich foods in your regular diet to avoid this.
- Red meat, chicken, fish, broccoli, spinach, and kale are some common sources of iron.
12 Eat enough protein
- Protein deficiency can lead to weak and dry hair and ultimately leads to hair loss.
- Adequate protein provides amino acids that strengthen your hair.
- Always include large enough quantities of protein-rich foods in your daily diet.
13 Vitamin C for hair loss
- Your body needs vitamin-C to absorb iron. So try to combine it with iron-rich foods.
- Vitamin-C will strengthen the capillaries and your hair roots.
- Rich sources of Vit-C include citrus fruits, broccoli, baked potatoes, and tomatoes.
14 Omega-3 fatty acid for hair loss
- Omega-3 fatty acids keep your hair healthy and prevent it from getting dry and brittle
- They ensure your scalp and hair are properly hydrated.
- You need to source it from external sources such as fish, flaxseeds, nuts, walnuts etc…
15 Biotin for hair loss
- Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin-B, which your hair needs the most.
- Deficiency of biotin will make your hair brittle and lead to hair loss.
- Rich sources of biotin are whole grains, liver, egg white, walnuts, soy flour, and yeast.