To Get Rid of Dandruff
There are literally hundreds of anti-dandruff shampoos and commercial concoctions available to get rid of dandruff problem. However, you can easily get rid of it using baking soda in your kitchen.
How to use
Instead of using shampoo wet your hair and apply a handful of baking soda to your hair and scalp, and rub it vigorously. Make sure to massage it into your scalp as well, and rinse it off thoroughly using a generous amount of water.
Your hair and scalp might appear dry with your first wash, but repeated hair wash using baking soda every day should restore the natural glory back to your hair and scalp.
Once you notice your hair and scalp returned to its natural state, you can alternate between baking soda and baby shampoo to wash your hair and scalp.
Remove chlorine from hair
Swimming pools use chlorinated water for obvious reasons. However, it can leave your hair dull and discolored. To counteract the effects mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to one pint of water, and apply this solution to wash your hair.
To soften your earwax
Your body produces earwax to protect your ear canal from tiny insects and dust particles. However, excessive production of earwax and its hardening can get bothersome and irritating.
To soften the earwax build-up, take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 cup glycerine, 1 cup sterile water. Mix these three together and leave a few drops of this solution into your ears using dropper before going to bed.
You can store this solution in a sterile bottle for future use. Make sure you are not storing it for more than 10 days.
To fight bad breath
Bad breath is often caused due to bacterias sticking to your tongue and teeth. Although there are many commercially available mouthwash to clear to this problem, Baking soda solution is equally effective in combating this problem.
Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/2 cup of water and use this solution to gargle your mouth. You can then rinse it off using clear water.
Use as a toothpaste
Baking soda is a common ingredient in most commercially available toothpastes, which indicates its safe and effective way to maintain your dental health.
Method one:
Dip a wet toothbrush into some baking soda and use it brush your teeth. This will remove bad odor from your mouth and neutralize the acidic bacterial wastes.
Method two:
Mix three parts of baking soda with one part of hydrogen peroxide and use it as a toothpaste. This will help to whiten your teeth and also dislodges odor causing bacterias.
To get relief from canker sores
Your canker sores cause pain or irritation due to the presence of overlying bacterial infection. To clear off these pain-causing bacterias, mix one teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of warm water.
To clear blackheads and whiteheads
To loose and dislodge stubborn blackheads and whiteheads, mix equal parts of baking soda and water. Lather this mixture to the affected areas of your skin and rub it gently for two to three minutes in a circular motion, and rinse it off your warm water.
Note: Do not squeeze the blackheads or whiteheads.
To Get Rid of Foot Odor
Foot odor is caused due to fungi and yeast infestation that thrives in the sweaty and warm environment inside your shoes.
To prevent this keep your feet dry as much as possible, wear correctly fitting shoes, and wear shoes that are made out of breathable material like leather or canvas.
To get rid of existing foot odor dust from baking soda to your feet and soles before wearing your shoes. This remedy aids by keeping your feet dry. Additionally, baking soda helps by inhibiting bacterial and yeast growth.
To relax your sore muscles
To help relax your sore and tired muscles after a hard workout session or after a hard day at work, mix 2 cups of baking soda, 1 cup Epsom salts, and 1/2 cup common salt. Use 1/2 cup of the resulting mixture to a full bathtub and soak yourself in it to your heart’s content.
To fight body odor
Instead of using expensive and chemical-rich commercially available deodorants, you can easily get rid of your body odor by dusting some baking soda to odor-causing areas. This will also prevent deodorant stains on your clothes as well.
To heal burns and rashes
For burns and rashes related to sunburns and prickly heat that covers a major portion of your skin, add one cup of baking soda to your bathtub filled with lukewarm water, and soak yourself in it.
After soaking do not rinse, gently towel dry instead.
For minor burns and rashes, mix three parts of baking soda with one part of water or witch hazel solution and apply it over the affected areas using a wet compress.
To relieve pain and irritation from insect bites
Pain and irritation from insect bites can be quickly relieved using baking soda paste made with baking soda and water or baking soda and witch hazel solution.
Lather this paste over the affected areas and keep the paste moist after application by covering it with a damp cloth or dressing.
To Relieve heartburn
Baking soda is an age-old remedy for heartburn and indigestion. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm or normal water and drink it.
Baking soda is alkaline in nature and it helps to neutralize the acids that cause heartburn.
Note: Baking soda contains sodium if you have high blood pressure, or heart problem, or on a sodium-restricted diet due to health issues then consult your doctor before consuming it.