1. Protects Your Heart Health
Ginger has proven to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, higher levels of which can lead to numerous health problems including angina, heart attack, and many heart related conditions. Consuming 3 grams of ginger powder everyday reduces this significantly and protects your heart.
2. Combats against Infections
Ginger contains a substance called gingerol, which reduces the risk of infections from microbes and other pollutants. Additionally, it is anti-inflammatory in nature, so it suppresses the activity of free radicals and reduces inflammation.
3. It Relieves Nausea
Nausea and vomiting sensation is quite common among pregnant women during their first trimester and among those who had just undergone a surgery. Ginger tea and ginger powder helps them in a great way to get much needed relief from nausea.
4. Improves Your Gut Health
Traditionally ginger has been used to treat many stomach discomforts, and it is a popular remedy for gastroenteritis. Additionally, ginger improves your gut health, digestion, and reduces flatulence.
5. Relieves You From Migraines
In a study that compared the effectiveness of sumatriptan, a drug commonly used to treat migraine with ginger revealed that ginger was comparatively more effective in reducing the symptoms of migraines, and it had lesser side effects. If you have migraines, try to drink fresh ginger tea everyday.
6. Helps You to Lose Weight
Ginger improves your digestion, eliminates the toxins, and reduces the cholesterol levels in your body. All these properties of ginger helps you to shed those extra pounds that’s bothering you for a long time. Try to drink ginger tea everyday morning before your breakfast.
7. Reduces Muscle Soreness and Body Pain
Ginger is a wonderful source of magnesium, which is known for its muscle and nerve relaxing properties. A study conducted by University of Georgia revealed that daily intake of ginger reduced muscle soreness and muscle pain by nearly 25 percent.
8. Increases Your Blood Circulation
Feel cold and experiencing chillness? Try to drink a cup of ginger tea on a cold day. Ginger will increases the blood circulation in your body almost instantly and make you feel warm.
9. Reduces Menstrual Cramps in Women
In a study that involved 150 women confirmed that consuming ginger during first three days of menstrual period had similar effects as the conventional drug ibuprofen, which is used to reduce cramps. Additionally, Ginger has been traditionally used in India for the same purpose.
10. It Shields You From Cancer
Some studies have proved that ginger is effective in killing cancer stem cells that make malignant tumor dangerous. Additionally, it is believed that ginger can effectively protect you against breast, pancreas, and ovarian cancers if you consume it regularly.